Escape From Crete

Hometown and/or Current City:  Milltown, NJ (Middlesex County)
Keywords:  Hard Rock, Scrap Metal

     Started in February of 2011, 2 braves souls and a Rad Ron, went forth to create a band so note worthy, it could only be described as epic party rock.  While hanging out, the trio realized that their music was far too great for just 3 individuals.  So, they called upon a local hero in the music scene known as Matt.  Matt would then join Crete to unleash a power the 3 hadn't realized was there.  (Fast-forward one year later) During a battle to the death, Rad Ron was stuck down by the mighty Argon dragon.  He did not survive his injuries.  Lost without a drummer, Crete searched the world high and low to replace what had been taken from them.  Until, a shadowy figure rose from the depths of Woodbridge, NJ.  The planets aligned.  The seas stood still.  And the panties began to drop.  Their battle continues.  Their story will live on.  THEY.  ARE.  ESCAPE FROM CRETE!

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